SSS Nelken GmbH is the holding company of five operating companies ("SSS Nelken Group"):
- EME Eisen-, Metall- und Elektrobau GmbH
- SSS Starkstrom- und Signal- Baugesellschaft mbH
- SSS Energie- und Netztechnik GmbH
- SSS Energietechnik und Netzservice GmbH
- SSS Systemschaltanlagenbau GmbH
The business of the SSS Group includes planning and project engineering, construction and delivery as well as installation, maintenance and service work in the following areas:
- Building, electrical, energy, lighting and security technology
- Switchgear and industrial service
- Electricity, gas, water and communication networks
- Power engineering systems
- Street lighting
- Metal structures (switchboards, welded structures),
sheet metal housings and other sheet metal working and processing
Target customers are in particular energy supply companies including municipal utilities, investors for EEG plants as well as customers from industry, trade, commerce, construction and insurance. The group of companies generated sales of EUR 70 million in the past fiscal year 2021 with around 700 employees.